Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pictures from Austin!

Downtown Austin

South Congress shopping district

Andrew and Anna walking by the capital building.

The UT Tower

Andrew and I on campus

Longhorn stadium

Monday, March 22, 2010


It was a crazy week for me last week. I had a big Business Finance exam, a portfolio due for my Printmaking class, and a lot of work to do on my thesis. I also ended up working at my restaurant 3 nights last week. So, Saturday when I returned from work, it was nice to hang out and have fun and good ol' $5 Prom. This is a dance where every one's outfit has to last less than $5. It has been a fraternity and sorority social for the last few years, but was recently opened up to all of campus. We had a great time dancing and being silly.

This week brings another wave of work. But good news: I'm leaving on Saturday to visit the University of Texas for graduate school. I've already been's just time to make my decision :/.

Roomies :)

$5 Prom King and Queen [and my roommate]

Nicki & Kali wearing our funny hats!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well, I survived Spring Break 2010! We made it all the way to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and back [24 hour drive one way] in one piece. On the way there we drove through a number of major cities like St. Louis, Nashville and Atlanta...many of which I had never seen before.

In Florida the beach was sunny, the food excellent and we all had a great time! That being said, we really only spent time laying on the beach, eating, or playing games. It was really low key and very relaxing! Here are some pictures!

All of the girls laying on the beach

We made Zach into a sand turtle! Lol.

Kim and Kali :)

The entire group at our favorite Pirate restaurant!

We found this sweet fountain with lights and music.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Break!!

It's officially spring break!!! Well, I technically have one class left at 2...but it will go by fast! Me and seven of my friends are in the process of packing up an 8 passenger van for a 26 hour drive to Fort Lauderdale, Florida...ADVENTURE!!! [I think that is the attitude necessary to make this sort of trip!] We will be spending a week laying on the beach and relaxing. That's the plan, anyways. I have [unfortunately] packed my Business Finance book and all I need to work on my thesis. My roommate Nicki is doing the same, so we can have thesis time on the beach. I am also looking forward to frisbee and cards :). Anyways, I still have some packing to do! We should have internet so I'll try to find time in my busy beach schedule to put up some pictures!



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday = Volunteer Day

My schedule on Tuesday/Thursdays consists of only one class in the afternoon. With this in mind, I signed myself up for a few volunteer projects and am in the third week of these. Every Tuesday over my lunch hour I drive down to Taylor Elementary with my friend Kiley where we are Recess Buddies. :) Basically we play with little kids for an hour or so. This is an elementary school that was flooded during 2008, so their resources as far as playground equipment are fairly limited. I usually end up twirling one end of a jump rope or playing tag. Thankfully in the past couple weeks it has begun to warm up--this makes playing outside so much better!

Tuesday evenings I have begun to drive down to Garnett Place. This is a retirement center where I help call Bingo. There are 6-15 elderly people who play each week. They win prizes like toothpaste and paper towels, or chips and soda. I think it is a lot of fun! I enjoy all of their personalities.

But anyways, I guess I need to grab a quick lunch and then I'll be heading out to recess!