Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday = Volunteer Day

My schedule on Tuesday/Thursdays consists of only one class in the afternoon. With this in mind, I signed myself up for a few volunteer projects and am in the third week of these. Every Tuesday over my lunch hour I drive down to Taylor Elementary with my friend Kiley where we are Recess Buddies. :) Basically we play with little kids for an hour or so. This is an elementary school that was flooded during 2008, so their resources as far as playground equipment are fairly limited. I usually end up twirling one end of a jump rope or playing tag. Thankfully in the past couple weeks it has begun to warm up--this makes playing outside so much better!

Tuesday evenings I have begun to drive down to Garnett Place. This is a retirement center where I help call Bingo. There are 6-15 elderly people who play each week. They win prizes like toothpaste and paper towels, or chips and soda. I think it is a lot of fun! I enjoy all of their personalities.

But anyways, I guess I need to grab a quick lunch and then I'll be heading out to recess!