Sunday, September 14, 2008


I swear I never know where the weeks goes! It was a busy one, though pretty typical.

My classes are going well. I'm taking Rhetorical Theory & Practice, Hispanic Life & Culture in Europe, Advertising and Research Methods in Psychology. I love that my schedule is so diverse in subject matter though there is sometime awesome crossover. For example, at the beginning of the week, three of my classes began studying the Middle Ages. I was looking at the Roman conquest of Spain, the theories of Galileo, and the rhetoric of Socrates. Crazy!

Dance team also began practice last week. Between the mile run, ab and push-up workout, stretching, technique, and choreography we do every practice, I am very sore! I just have to keep remembering I will be in AWESOME shape. This year we opened dance team practices up to the entire campus. Now anyone can come to our practices to work out and learn our dances. I think it is really cool--dancing is so centering and fun, I love sharing it with others!

I was also busy working on projects for Environmental Club...we have a lot coming up these next few weeks. There were also my weekly Residence Life, Student Senate, and NRHH meetings. Ah...I'm always so busy!

It all caught up to me though. I spent the weekend on my cough with an awesome head cold :S I saw it as the perfect opportunity to do homework and enjoy some movies.