These last couple weeks have been crazy. It was the time when all the first tests hit. I know a few people who had 3 exams this last week! My schedule wasn't nearly as intense. I had an exam last Friday in my Research Methods class, a Spanish presentation on Monday, and an exam in Advertising on Tuesday. After Tuesday I took time to get ahead in some reading, go to dance team practice, and get ready for Homecoming!!!
The festivities started at the first of the week with decorating, powder puff football, men's sand volleyball, and such. Thursday night may have well been considered part of the weekend as it was the night of Homecoming Follies. Follies are basically a talent show full of ridiculousness--none of the acts are serious. It showcases the Homecoming court consisting of 5 queen candidates and 5 king candidates.
Friday night consisted of the Homecoming concert with all the bands and choirs. It was such a great concert! I had to drag a friend along & she probably ended up enjoying it more than I did. (I had 9 residents in the program, so it was really cool to see all of them!) The choir was directly followed by the bonfire. I didn't make it to the bonfire this year--we watched the Presidential Debate. At the bonfire the Homecoming Court is announced and all of the sports teams have representatives speak. I think that if there were smores at the bonfire, I definitely would have been there!I was up early Saturday morning to get ready for the Homecoming parade. As President of the Environmental Club, I arranged for us to ride Coe Bikes in the parade. We decorated the bicycles with recyclables! They rocked! My favorite part were the cans dragging behind the bikes. The parade is pretty small, only circling the football field, but has quite a few participates from the Homecoming Court, to sororities and fraternities, to the cheerleaders. After the parade there are always brats by the field and the football game begins. We played Loras this year and were seconds away from beating them. It was 14-14 and they scored with 2 seconds left on the clock. Some are saying the clock ran out before they started the play, but who knows.
After the game I watched a movie with Sara and started getting ready for the dance!! A huge group of us went out the dinner at the Irish Democrat (pretty much a pub) and then came back to Coe to get ready. We took a shuttle to the dance; it is always in a ballroom at the Crown Plaza. It is simply the best time ever!! The room is packed and hot and sweaty and everyone is dancing and eating (there are always awesome food tables). Last night I ran into a ton of people I knew and we danced the entire night. I can back with my boyfriend and made pizza rolls at like 3 in the morning. Haha. It was fun. But, don't worry, I'm already up and starting homework. I have a paper due tomorrow, ugh.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Homecoming & beyond!
Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I swear I never know where the weeks goes! It was a busy one, though pretty typical.
My classes are going well. I'm taking Rhetorical Theory & Practice, Hispanic Life & Culture in Europe, Advertising and Research Methods in Psychology. I love that my schedule is so diverse in subject matter though there is sometime awesome crossover. For example, at the beginning of the week, three of my classes began studying the Middle Ages. I was looking at the Roman conquest of Spain, the theories of Galileo, and the rhetoric of Socrates. Crazy!
Dance team also began practice last week. Between the mile run, ab and push-up workout, stretching, technique, and choreography we do every practice, I am very sore! I just have to keep remembering I will be in AWESOME shape. This year we opened dance team practices up to the entire campus. Now anyone can come to our practices to work out and learn our dances. I think it is really cool--dancing is so centering and fun, I love sharing it with others!
I was also busy working on projects for Environmental Club...we have a lot coming up these next few weeks. There were also my weekly Residence Life, Student Senate, and NRHH meetings. Ah...I'm always so busy!
It all caught up to me though. I spent the weekend on my cough with an awesome head cold :S I saw it as the perfect opportunity to do homework and enjoy some movies.
Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
We are just starting the third week of class. I am already wishing I had done more homework over the weekend. I had plenty of time Friday to do some, but decided to take some much needed me time. I took a nap, hung out with some friends, and had a craft night with smores! MMM! Saturday morning I found myself getting ready for the Watermelon Fest.
This was the 3rd annual Watermelon Fest put on by the Lambda Chi fraternity. I put a team together and we rocked! There was watermelon bowling, watermelon tossing, watermelon eating, and more. In the end we all ended up covered in watermelon! (check out this picture of my friends) It was sticky and gross, but oh the fun. I ended my day with a sweet cook out with some friends.
Sunday I finally woke up early to do some homework and eventually made my monthly trip to Target. In the evening there was an all hall meeting complete with nachos and a pinata!
Now it's time again for classes , homework, dance practice, and all the weekly adventures I have come to love.
Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 11:36 AM 0 comments