Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It is already the 2nd day of my senior year!

I can't even believe how fast the summer flew by. After my May term trip to Spain I was back here at Coe College, living with some friends, and working my life away. I was doing research through the Business Department for my senior thesis, I had a marketing internship at ImOn Communications, and a part-time job at a restaurant called Daniel Arthur's. It was a great summer, but there were less BBQ's and adventures then I had hoped for.

Now I am moved into my new apartment on campus with 3 of my very best friends (and it looks sweet!). Yesterday was already the first day of classes. You would think as a senior, I would have it all figured out. Apparently not! On my way to my first class, I walked in to the classroom and sat down realizing I didn't recognize anyone. They were all talking about their new RA's and FYS classes...it was a class full of first-years! I awkwardly grabbed my bag and wondered down the hallway to my real classroom. My little slip-up nearly made me late on the first day!

The rest of my day went pretty smooth after that. I am extremely excited for my classes so far! And last night, my roommates and I had an apartment dinner...we made a 4 course meal for each other. I am still full, lol.

Now it's time to get ready for class today!