Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh the Weather.

Well, we approached the end of March with sunny mild weather. It would be expected then, for Mother Nature to throw one last (we hope!) snow storm our way. It started snowing Saturday night. This was the best snow we've had all winter! The snowflakes were huge and coming down like crazy. It was also extremely wet snow--perfect for snowmen and snowballs! So, Sunday morning, rather than going straight to my homework, rallied a few friends and we went...sledding!! It was the first time I had been able to go all winter and I was pumped! We went to a nearby golf course and had some fun. I felt like a 10 year-old sledding on my stomach and running around wildly throwing snowballs, it was great. We were all tired and wet when we were done, but totally worth it. I am going to ensure I have more than one sledding adventure next year, guarantee it.

Me and Kim chillin in the snow [it was really bright!].

Ben and Andrew racing down the hill!