Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We Made It!!

Finals are over and everyone is now enjoying their winter break.

I finished my last final at 10 am on Wednesday. I spent the rest of the day finishing things I had been putting off since the beginning of finals. I finished my Christmas shopping, met with my adviser to talk about my senior thesis proposal, and things like that. I also brought lunch to my boyfriend in the library while he finished studying for his finals. We had Chinese food and watched an episode of the Office in a study room, lol.

As soon as he finished his final on Thursday we went snowboarding!! This was my first Iowa snowboarding experience. It was nothing compared to the Rocky Mountains, but it was definitely fun! More fun followed that night with a big group of friends in Iowa City.

Friday I finished my duties as an RA, packed up, and hit the road. I made it do Des Monies and stayed with a friend. The next day I drove the rest of the way to meet my family. Now I'm home, just hanging out. I've been doing a lot of sleeping--I call it catching up!