It is the last day of fall break--there have been no classes since Friday. I planned on spending the majority of my break recuperating from my round of mid-terms last week and preparing for my other mid-terms this coming week. Instead, I had quite the adventure!
Friday night I drove some friends to Iowa City where they went to the bars and I visited a friend from the summer. We caught up and watched Grey's Anatomy. Saturday morning I received a call from my friend Anya--we were going to Chicago!! We had both really wanted to go see Wicked on Broadway, so it was decided that we were just going to do it. By 1 pm we had the car loaded, our tickets bought, and were on the road. We arrived in Chicago just in time to get ready, pick up our tickets, and arrive at the show. It was AMAZING!!!!! Amazing. Really. The day after the show: Me and a Wicked globe :)
Anya's turn!
After the show we grabbed some McDonalds and got on the train. We were staying with a friend who gradated from Coe last year. She had given us the keys to her apartment since she was not planning on returning before us. We thought we found the right building when the keys worked on the gate and the apartment building. We couldn't get them to open the apartment, so decided to wait in the stairwell for our friends return. An hour later our friend called to report that we were NOT on her stairwell!! Apparently her building was the identical building two doors down. Pretty embarrassing. We all laughed about it early into the morning while we ate Swedish Fish and Sour Patch Kids (only the two best kinds of candy ever!) Even though we were up late we woke up early. We spent the morning cruising around Chicago...we saw the bean and had delicious Chicago-style pizza. Anya and I then raced back to Cedar Rapids since I was on duty (as part of my job as a Resident Assistant) at 7.
Here we are having some fun with the bean! My friends & the bean! (Note the sweet Chicago skyline)
I have spent the last to days of my break feebly attempting to do homework, watching movies with friends, and napping at least twice a day. It has been such a great time. Oh! I also did some intense recycling by emptying out the recycling closet on my floor. I am so not ready for class to begin again tomorrow--it is now time for me to seriously get things done. Even though this will be a short week, it is going to be rough. Friday I have a huge Spanish mid-term along with an exam in Research Methods in Psychology. This week in dance team we are going to start learning our state routine--aka long, intense practices from now on. I am also continuing my work with Environmental Club and NRHH. *Sigh* There's always something to be done. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fall Break: It was Wicked!
Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 1:54 PM
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