Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh my gosh! I totally forgot to post last week...sorry! Pinkie promise it won't happen again. It just shows how busy I have been! Every free moment has been spend studying for the GRE. This is the general admissions exam for graduate school and I'm taking it this Thursday! I'm super nervous.

And I may have lied a little bit. Not ALL of my free time has been spent studying (but a lot of it!). This weekend I managed to find enough time to head down to Iowa City to tailgate for the Iowa vs. Northwestern game. Five friends and I packed into Nicki's boat of a car and jammed out all the way to Iowa City. Once there we were greeted with black and gold was crazy! I wish we'd had tickets to the game. We ended up going to Sonic for lunch instead and only caught the 4th quarter on TV when we returned. It ended up being Iowa's first loss of the season :(. I still had a great time though.

Did I mention it was 65 degrees all weekend? In November! It was crazy beautiful. Sunday I spent watching a heated game of badminton, cruising in the boat-car with the windows down & music up, and going for a bike ride around Cedar Lake. Then I finally came in side and completed 2 practice tests for the GRE before working on my homework for the week.

Check another great weekend off the list! Wish me luck on Thursday!