So, yesterday was Earth day. To celebrate, Environmental Club decided to have Earth Week!
Monday we collected a bunch of plastic bottles around campus. Originally we were going to hang them from the trees in the quad, but it was much too windy to do that so we made a giant ball out of them! We had 875 plastic bottles and the ball came up to my chest. We had it on the quad with posters with facts like, "It takes 1000 years for a plastic bottle to begin to decompose," and such. It was really cool. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture before someone rolled our ball away! :( We think they took it to get the refund for the bottles, which was our plan, but whatever. The bottles were hopefully recycled either way.
Tuesday we showed an environmental film called "Trashed" that looks at the current disposal system of the United States and the problems it's causing. Most of the trash is buried in landfills and leaks into the water supply. Also, did you know Toronto ships 400 trucks full of trash to be buried in Minnesota EVERY DAY! That's disgusting!
Wednesday (Earth Day) we had a locally produced BBQ and a guest speaker. There were a few hiccups getting the food prepared on time, but it all worked out. We had almost 30 people eat and listen to our speaker. We served black bean burgers and organic, grass-fed hamburgers, eggs from a local producer, and grilled veggies from the food coop in Iowa City. It was all so good! Our speaker was David Osterberg, a man who is an associate professor at Iowa, former State Legislature, and has founded the Iowa Policy Project. He talked about Iowa and wind power.
Today, we are using our new kilowatt meter to conduct energy audits of dorm rooms. We hope to gather enough data to publish it.
Tomorrow we are having a light bulb exchange. Students will be able to bring an incandescent light bulb and receive a free CFL light bulb (the energy efficient ones). I'm pumped.
We are also planting in the Coe Garden this week and going to see Disney's Earth movie!! Apparently Disney is planting a tree for every person who goes to see Earth during its opening go see it!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Earth Week!
Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
An update:
Well, I missed a week of blogging...I apologize!
There hasn't been much going on to write about, yet so much going on to write about! However that works. Classes have been really busy. Lots of final papers and projects to be done. Lucy and I were in Dows until 1:30 last night finishing our Color Theory project for the critique today. That's what we get for procrastinating! But who can regret late nights with good friends? I know I'll look back in a year or two and miss adventures like last night.
I'll also miss our oh so unconventional Easter celebration. So it wasn't that different, just not the big family pot luck I am used to. Nicki and I woke up early and went to mass. Afterwords we met our group of friends at Riley's--this amazing little restaurant a few blocks from campus. They have the best breakfast EVER. It was nice.
Last Friday I attend the Lambda Chi Formal with Andrew. It was a lot of fun--a good majority of my friends were there, too. We had a formal dinner at Daniel Arthur's (a fancy restaurant) where we had the second floor complete with an outdoor deck all to our selves. There was great food, a nice program, and an opportunity to hang out with everyone afterwords. It was a really great night! Here are some pictures:

Posted by Kaleen Rietcheck at 11:11 AM 0 comments